
3 de out. de 2011


Que tal aprender um pouco mais sobre o restaurante do Guilherme?

                              Text: Guilherme´s restaurant                              

          Guilherme has a restaurant and the name of his restaurant is Guilherme´s Restaurant. It stays in Detroit, USA.
There are special foods in his restaurant like Red Meat with Oranges, Pasta and Boiled Carrots, Cabbage and hot pineapple, and others.
          In his restaurant there is orange juice, lemonade, soft drinks and beer for the adults.
The families that visit Guilherme´s Restaurant like the special desserts like cookie cake, hot strawberry ice-cream and frozen fruit salad.    
          Come to visit the Guilherme´s Restaurant!

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English teachers from CEEBJA - Maringá Paraná